In August 2013, good friends of Heaven is a Cupcake's are cycling 100 miles around London for the Prudential Ride London and are raising money for the amazing cause, Help the Hospices. Help the Hospices support hospices all around the country who provide end of life and palliative care to those in need. Not only do they provide support for the patients themselves but they are a life line to the families affected by terminal illnesses.
With this in mind, Heaven is a Cupcake is proud to introduce the Help the Hospices High Tea Cupcake; a vanilla sponge with a Tiptree Champagne and Strawberry Jam filling and a decadent champagne buttercream. Cupcakes are £2.00 each and £1.50 per cupcake will be going to Help the Hospices. You can buy the cupcakes at all of our events or you can order a box online by emailing us on .
If you would like to find out more about the cause or donate please visit: